Dragon Age 3: 5 Outrageous Rumours That Won’t Happen

1. Regions

BiowareBiowareAround the same time that BioWare made the aforementioned claims that the game would feature this multitude of varied endings, they also made some rather outlandish declarations about the size of the game€™s playable world. BioWare stated that Inquisition would be played across five regions, each of which was larger than the entirety of the playable Ferelden landscape in Origins. With games like Skyrim and GTA5 exemplifying just how expansive open worlds can be, this claim might have been plausible €“ particularly with the fairly bland, repetitive landscapes we had seen in previous instalments in the series. However, after experiencing the truly gorgeous gameplay footage BioWare showed at E3 €“ powered by the complex Frostbite 3 engine €“ we find it a far more difficult task believing that Inquisition€™s game world will be five times larger than that of Origins. The landscapes BioWare have created for their next Dragon Age have been too detailed and spectacular to believe that the playable world could truly this large; even when bolstered by the graphical horsepower of next-gen machinery.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.