Dragon Ball FighterZ: 10 Essential Characters That Must Be Included

2. Beerus

dragon ball beerus
Bird Studio

Although initially introduced as a villain, Beerus has slowly become one of the Z Fighter's biggest allies. He's also become one of the most popular characters in Dragon Ball history.

A lot of Beerus' popularity can be attributed to his personality and his power. Beerus is characterised as extremely lazy and unwilling to do anything, which makes him extremely likeable and unassuming. Of course, as God of Destruction for Universe 7, Beerus is also the second most powerful character in the Dragon Ball universe, second only to his master Whis.

It's this huge level of power that makes Beerus a clear choice for Dragon Ball FighterZ. Battle of Gods showed us that Beerus has an extremely aggressive and cocky fighting style, which would translate well when animated in Arc System Work's graphical style. Beerus has plenty of Ki attacks too, such as the Sphere of Destruction, which could very well be used as his ultimate attack.


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