Dragon Ball FighterZ - 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Combo Ultimate Attacks For Huge Damage

Dragon ball fighterz Piccolo Zap
Arc System Works

To combo into another ultimate, simply hold either one of the assist buttons when performing your ultimate attack and watch as your character tags out and another comes in, whilst doing their level 1 ultimate.

Unfortunately, you cannot combo a level 3 into another level 3, but that's to be expected considering how powerful they are. In the case of characters like Beerus, you can often use another bar to enhance the level 1, so consider that when combining ultimate attacks.

The main problem with performing these combined attacks is that they are extreme meter burns, and will almost always require a fully charged bar in order to perform.

It can be worth the risk, however, as combining ultimates is the best way to ensure that you take out another fighter, as well as looking really damn cool.


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