Dragon Ball FighterZ: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best
11. Piccolo

The no-nonsense Namekian with the mind of a master tactician, Piccolo does his green-skinned race proud in FighterZ with a rock solid moveset and focused playstyle. Those that count a strong mixup game as their Kryptonite will have a hard time dealing with the former Demon King's flurry of unpredictable combos, but there is a caveat to that strength.
Without expending sizeable quantities of meter, the damage registered by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon and Hellzone Grenade can be lacklustre, meaning you'll need to constantly micromanage his ki reserves.
Possible on paper; rarely ever in practice. If Arc System Works sees fit to reduce Piccolo's ki guzzling tendencies, he could be top-tier, but for now, he's just a solid pick.