Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC: 10 Things Fans Want To See
I loved visiting Namek... for the 9,000th time.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has been out long enough for most fans to beat the game and have their thoughts heard.
Reviews have been somewhat mixed, ranging from “the best story-based DBZ game ever” to “fun distraction, but a bit repetitive”, to “OMFG IF I HAVE TO COLLECT ONE MORE DAMN SOUL EMBLEM”.
The game has been heralded as a true love letter to the fans, but it has suffered from an identity problem. Who is it really for? Hardcore fans of DBZ have seen and played through this story many times, but for the uninitiated is this the best way to experience it for the first time?
Regardless of how you felt about the core game, CyberConnect 2 has committed to supporting it post-launch with an optional season pass. It includes two future “episodes” that have yet to be announced, leaving fans to speculate what they could be.
The developer has already shown they will also provide free quality of life updates to improve the game as well, and hopefully the best is yet to come.
So, scoop up some of that Saiyan hair gel, chug that senzu bean smoothie and let’s hop in to see what they should add next.
10. Better Collectibles

Collectibles are a great way to motivate players to explore the world naturally. They also offer different ways to flesh out the world’s lore and provide exposition instead of just another standard dialogue scene.
There’s a ton of fan service in this game, but when it comes to collectibles there could still be more.
Individual cosmetic items would be a great place to start, because most players like the ability to customize their avatar and there have been so many cool outfits and accessories over the years there are a ton to choose from.
Since the show originally started as a manga, using specific pages and art from there as collectibles to go alongside the "Memorabilia" collectibles would be a great addition.
The manga selections could even be used in unique ways to show how certain scenes differ in the anime compared to the manga or to add some exposition to a scene that may have had to cut some dialogue out.
Also, any deleted scenes, unreleased sketches or concept art would be a welcome addition to continue the game’s fan service and add some more variety to the game’s content.