Duke Nukem For Never: 5 Ways To Save The Franchise

1. Release The Freakin' Movie Already

Duke Nukem Movies 247465645 At one point in time we were all just kids with dreams. When we grow up hopefully we become adults with plans to make these dreams a reality. However, when you're a kid you're willing to try things that may not work just for the sake of discovery. Like the time I contacted the great Scott Miller to inquire as to how one might purchase the rights to make a Duke Nukem movie. We actually had some correspondence and in a brief, but gracious manner he answered a few of my questions. Despite sources claiming the project for a Duke Nukem movie being dead it is still in pre-production and very much alive. All it needs is the right kick to get it out of the production hell the Max Payne movie set it in. The much disliked Mark Wahlberg flick, set up for a sequel which never came, had the same producer who was helping Scott with packaging the Nukem movie. I say, whatever becomes of it, make the movie along side another game's release. Even if it is a small, straight to DVD feature it will be better than nothing. Just too bad Dolph Lundgren is a bit too old to play Duke in his prime.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation