Dungeons And Dragons: 10 Essential Tips For New Players

9. Take Your Time Creating Your Character

Community Pierce Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Wizards of the Coast

Undoubtedly the biggest decision you’re going to make when starting a new game of D&D is which kind of character you want to be. Here you’ll not just be rolling out stats, but choosing a race, class, personality traits, alignment with the law and writing your own backstory.

It can be tempting to just throw together a bland tank who can endure plenty blows and deal out heavy melee damage from the get-go. Alternatively, this decision may seem a bit overwhelming and could tempt you toward using a pre-written character. However, this isn’t something we’d usually recommend.

Keep in mind that you’re likely going to have this character for a pretty long time. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to get creative. A good DM will let you bend the rules slightly if it makes for a cool trait that won’t give you an unfair advantage.

You should study which abilities are unlocked by different classes and races at higher levels and take those into consideration as goals to aspire to. If you take your time and don’t rush this decision, it will pay off considerably in the long run, when you have a character who suits your play style perfectly.


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