E3 2012: 8 Reasons Why The Miiverse Is Wii U's Strongest Feature

With the confirmation of Nintendo's Wii U at E3 2012, we're discussing the reasons why this tablet-like console's new gaming network is its strongest feature.

Though just one day old, this year's E3 has already began to yield many eye-catching secrets. The Nintendo Wii U's Miiverse online network may well be the revelation with the widest implications for the gaming market, and as such it deserves added focus. You can read more about the various features of the Miiverse here, as well as details of the new Wii U Gamepad controller here, the Pro Controller here, and a general look at everything revealed so far about the Wii U here. So without further ado, we would like to discuss 8 reasons (in no particular order) why this tablet like console's Miiverse, Nintendo's new gaming network, is its strongest feature.

1. Interaction with other players

This is something that the Wii was lacking and the fact that you cannot properly interact with the other gamers that use the platform was a major detraction. Now with the introduction of their network, finally, Nintendo have given its loyal followers exactly what they have been waiting for for a very long time. Xbox Live and PSN have come into their own with this feature, and with them having little or no competition from Nintendo they have been allowed to flourish, but Nintendo are now fighting back and we are looking forward to seeing what they can deliver.

2. It shows people that are playing the same games as us

This is another feature that Nintendo's peers have developed within their own social gaming networks, and for many XBox and PS users, it's something to be taken for granted. However, where the Wii U's features are particularly eye-catching is in its focus on gamers that aren't directly connected to us as well. Those users will be shown on the fire up of the console and the player will have the opportunity to interact with them on the start up screen, allowing users to discuss the games that are being played and encouraging the development of friendships and alliances. This is also a feature that can be used in-game which will be especially useful for those gamers who may require help from the network of people gathered on any particular game as it can be requested through a quick message to the people that can assist. Which brings us nicely to...

3. Simple communication platform

Now this is something that I personally have always felt has been lacking on other networks. The Wii U is now introducing a quick and easy to use way to communicate with friends and gaming acquaintances over the Miiverse. By using the touch screen feature of the console you are easily able to send a speedy message out and then get back to your game in no time at all. The feature's popularity will no doubt be confirmed by the fact that it seamlessly mirrors the same method that a lot of people use to communicate outside of the gaming world, and bringing a text message style service to gaming can only make this platform more attractive to social gamers.

4. Touch Screen

The touch screen on the Wii U is something that many will be excited about. It offers a different way of gaming than most are used to, taking it out of the world of handheld consoles and into the world of sophisticated gaming. And even more specifically for the Miiverse, it also ensures that something that may seem as simple as scrolling through reams of messages is made all the more simple and less tedious by easily swiping up and down to get to where you want to be. The touch screen also brings into play the keyboard function, which on other controllers has to be a purchased add on or on screen ability.

Full time mum, part time blogger. I think pretzels are weird. When I watch Cirque du Soleil I feel like I've missed my calling. Maybe I shouldn't have quit gymnastics when I was 10. I like gaming.