E3 2012 - What Do Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo Have In Store?

These are my predictions as to what the console makers will be showing at the main press conferences next week!

Next week the Los Angeles Convention Centre once again plays host to the Electronic Entertainment Expo. This event is the crown jewel in the crown of the video games industry when the three major players Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft let loose with the big guns in an attempt to convince gamers everywhere to part with their cash over the coming year. However with a number of big titles being delayed until next year (Bioshock Infinite, Aliens-: Colonial Marines and Tomb Raider) many gamers are now wondering just what is going to be happening at the big show? These are my predictions as to what the console makers will be showing at the main press conferences.


First comes Microsoft who will take the stage first on the 4th of June in their now traditional opening spot. With the recent news that more people are spending time using apps than playing games I fully expect that Microsoft will spend a significant amount of time trumpeting the exact figures and along with this announcing some new content partners for streaming video as well as a revamped music rental or purchasing system. Kinect will also play a large part perhaps with an improved dashboard interface with improved voice recognition. Not that games will be under represented I fully expect to hear the latest on Fable the Journey and I believe that Halo 4 will take the closing spot of the presentation also Harmonix have been rumoured to have a presence at the Microsoft show perhaps using Rock Band Blitz to announce the next Xbox Live Arcade Promotion. Next up Sony...

When not in a pub somewhere Paul Berrow can most probably be found watching or thinking about something incredibly geeky when he's not doing that however he's writing about geeky things for WhatCulture!