E3 2012: Wii U Welcomes You To The Miiverse

We take a closer look at Nintendo Wii U's stand-out Miiverse feature...

This week, as most of you will know, is the eagerly anticipated E3 2012. There has been a lot of specualation about what might possibly appear here this year, and this morning Nintendo have released a pre-E3 presentation discussing their new games console, Nintendo Wii U, who's prototype was first shown at last years event. There are many features of the Wii U, which you will find discussed on the other pages on the this site, but I am going to talk to you about the new Nintendo network, Miiverse. In the presentation Nintendo President Satoru Iwata shows us what the Miiverse has to offer. From the webcast we can see that, not only will we be able to communicate with the people that are based on our own console, we will also be able to interact with our friends that have the Wii U system, as well as others from our country that are playing the same games that we are. As Iwata openly admits, "the idea of a video gaming network is not new" but he does go on to talk about the ways in which the Miiverse differs from other networks. Firstly, the communication through the Wii U is via simple text messaging like service, which will appeal to a lot of the Wii gamers, as it reflects the most common way in which people communicate with each other in the real world. Also the fact that the games system is touch screen relates to tablet users and makes sending a message much easier than on competing games consoles. Another unique feature for games networks, is that ability to be able to write and draw pictures to send to each other. As this has come from a company that has revolutionised gameplay in the way of bringing people back together to play, it appears that they are also trying to reinvent the old past time of letter writing, which is another thing that has been lost amongst the ages. It seems that reinforcing what could be thought of as old fashioned values is something that this games company would like to remembered for, amongst it's many accomplishments. Other things that were pointed out that are native to Miiverse are the different facial expressions to show moods while sending messages, the opportunity to send screenshots of your games, and also the ability to transmit game content that has been created by the user, which can be added to others gameplay. Itawa then goes on to say that the Miiverse does not require the use of the big screen on your TV but can be used on what is called the 'Social Window' on the handheld, tablet style console. This is something which he says can connect users 'across time and space.' This may sound like the ramblings of an old man, but what is meant by this is that, while people can feel connected over long distances, they will also feel connected to their friends and gamers when they are not gaming at the same time. He then goes on to explain that while with the Wii you can compete against others that are in your room and playing at the same time on multi-player, you will now be able to compete against other people while playing single player games. This sounds like a possible achievement system may well be on the horizon for Nintendo and Wii U. Finally, the Nintendo President talks about what could be possible in the future for the gaming network. That communication will hopefully become available across other Nintendo platforms such as the Nintendo DS, your PC and your Wii. This somewhat resembles how Apple users can talk across several devices using the iMessaging service. Although some of these concepts have already been done across other consoles, and have had a lot more time to become established in the market, hopefully Nintendo's attempt at social gaming outside of in house multiplay will be able to bring them back to the forefront of gaming, instead of having the feeling of being left behind. Keep your dial tuned to WhatCulture for more news from this year's E3.

Full time mum, part time blogger. I think pretzels are weird. When I watch Cirque du Soleil I feel like I've missed my calling. Maybe I shouldn't have quit gymnastics when I was 10. I like gaming.