E3 2013: 4 Predictions That We Expect To Be True

2. Fallout 4

fallout-new-vegas-e1325544116869 Bethesda Studios have a habit of orientating between developing Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, a trend that, unfortunately, always leaves the fans of both series waiting years from one instalment to the next. However, considering how they haven€™t put out a Fallout game since 2008, along with their last title being the big hitter Skyrim, it seems we€™re about due another trip to the depressing wastes of post nuclear USA. This prediction is based on more than pure hopefulness though, as there have been a few indications Fallout 4 is about to raise its ghoulish head. First off we have a twitter post by Fallout 3 actor Erik Todd Dellums stating he was set to reprise his role as the lovable DJ Three Dog, though Bethesda isn€™t really a company to spend four years remaking the same location, so it is possible this little tease was more to do with the rumoured cinematic adaptation than anything else. Of course the character might come back in the next video game in a different regard, perhaps having fled to a different state for one reason or another, but the standard time jump between Bethesda games (e.g. two hundred years between Oblivion and Skyrim) makes it highly unlikely. A more concrete indication of the game making an appearance is a vacancy for €˜Quest designers€™ appearing on Bethesda studios website a few months ago, and knowing how the company only have two IPs it€™s pretty much guaranteed to be a Fallout game. I€™m not suggesting it€™ll be a launch title you understand, in fact it probably won€™t come out until late 2014 considering Bethesda Studios usual development time span; but chances are we€™ll get a wispy scent of it from 2013€™s E3, even if it€™s only dubiously pre-rendered fart.
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Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH