E3 2015: 19 Mic Dropping Moments

11. Everything By Platinum Studios

Platinum Studios revealed not one, but two games at this year€™s E3. Both of them the next games in some seriously popular franchises. They are the ones behind the long awaited Star Fox follow up, Star Fox Zero, and they are making Transformers: Devastation, a game based upon Generation One of Hasbro€™s most iconic franchise. Now, while the look more like Legend of Korra than they do Metal Gear Rising and they don€™t seem to have the depth of Vanquish or the beauty of Beyonetta, Platinum fans should be happy for one reason. Finally Platinum might make the one thing they€™ve always deserved to. A profit.

Son of an Eldritch Bloodlord come to earth to lay waste to humanity. No, wait. That's not right. I write about videogames and WWE and stuff.