E3 2015: 19 Mic Dropping Moments

18. Of Course Fallout 4 Let€™s You Play As A Girl

It€™s not the fact that you can play as a girl in the new Fallout. After all, they€™ve been doing that for decades; rather it was the tone they used to tell us. After the initial trailer came out a couple of weeks ago, people heard the voice of the main protagonist and just assumed that this character would be sole hero of this game's quest. As if Mass Effect didn€™t teach us that you can€™t have two lead voices in your game and still have incredible characterisation and story. The reveal was like a slap to all the jaded doubters, thinking they would follow in a field where they've always lead.

Son of an Eldritch Bloodlord come to earth to lay waste to humanity. No, wait. That's not right. I write about videogames and WWE and stuff.