E3 2015: 19 Mic Dropping Moments

16. All The Rare-ities In One Classic Collection

Ok, so Goldeneye isn€™t in it. Rare are far more than a one trick pony. Rare are one of the greatest developers to ever come from Britain. They have an astonishing 30 games in this collection for $30. That€™s one game per dollar, for a bunch of games that €“ even in 2013 €“ would still fetch $10-15. And while you lot are busy playing Banjo-Kazooie, real Rare fans will be catching up with an old and forgotten friend. Blast Corps, one of the most explosive games of the 64-bit era.

Son of an Eldritch Bloodlord come to earth to lay waste to humanity. No, wait. That's not right. I write about videogames and WWE and stuff.