E3 2016: 6 Ups & 4 Downs From Bethesda's Conference

9. Dishonored 2's Overlong & Disjointed Presentation

Prey Dishonored 2

As exciting as it was to finally see Dishonored 2 gameplay, Bethesda sure didn't present it in a particularly fun or compelling way.

For starters, they had the game's Creative Director Harvey Smith narrating over the gameplay which was just wildly unnecessary and added nothing to what we were watching. Plus, he totally dropped a needless spoiler by saying, "Dishonored 2 starts and ends in Dunwall, but most of the action takes place in Carnaca." Thanks for that.

Then, fans got incredibly angry when it seemed like the only gameplay we were going to see was an environmental montage, before there was another minute of talking over some concept art, and then finally, some actual, proper gameplay shown off.

The pain doesn't end there, though: cue more awkward narration, bizarre cutting back to the conference floor just when the footage is about to get good, and even when we finally get some extended gameplay, most of it's just not that interesting (aside from the demonstration of a few nifty powers).

Surely there was something more fun from the game Bethesda could've shown off (aside from the gameplay trailer, which we'll get to in a moment)? This presentation dragged on for over 20 minutes, taking up more than one-third of the conference's time, when all the prime rib material could've easily been shown off in half that.

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E3 2016
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.