E3 2016: 7 Ups & 5 Downs From Microsoft's Conference

Microsoft just changed everything.

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Three conferences in, it's safe to say that E3 2016 has been a highly mixed bag so far: neither EA, Bethesda nor Microsoft managed to land a home run, though the latter has at least set up some tantalising prospects for the future of the Xbox One.

Most of those leak rumours you might've read in the days prior to the conference turned out to be true, and though while not every game shown off seemed to live up to its promise, Microsoft are clearly putting some impressive effort into the indie game market these days while also looking forward to brave new horizons.

It sure wasn't a mind-blowing show for the ages, but then again, it was still leagues above the company's disastrous 2013 Xbox One reveal conference, so it'll do just fine.

Starting with the downs, here are 7 ups and 5 downs from Microsoft's E3 2016 conference...

12. All Those Damn Zoom-Outs

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It's been a problem at E3 for years now that the conference producers and directors for some reason decide to cut to a shot of the crowd every so often while a clip is playing.

This reached a fever pitch of irritation in Microsoft's conference this time, occurring so frequently that players at home were being constantly pulled out of the experience of enjoying these awesome announcements and first glimpses of new games.

What could possibly be the motivation behind this? Is there a misguided belief somewhere that we'll forget what we're watching if they don't constantly pan out to remind us? It's so poorly thought out and stupid.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.