E3 2017: 14 Announcements You Probably Missed

4. Hidden Agenda Is Until Dawn's Ambitious Multiplayer Follow-Up

Hidden Agenda
Supermassive Games

Supermassive Games had quite the E3, showing off two new VR titles in The Inpatient and Bravo Team, and quietly revealed ahead of Sony's conference that they're also working on an ambitious new multiplayer follow-up to their cinematic horror game Until Dawn.

Hidden Agenda allows up to five players to play together, using their mobile phones with Sony's new PlayLink feature to essentially vote on the characters' actions in order to influence how the story plays out.

This seems like a natural progression from Until Dawn, considering that the title found a lot of success as a party game, even though it didn't have any actual in-built multiplayer features. Hidden Agenda meanwhile looks like a gorgeous, gritty thriller in the vein of David Fincher's classic Se7en, and should provide a diverse experience for hardcore and casual gamers alike.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.