E3 2018: 10 Things That Must Happen At Bethesda's Conference

8. Fallout Shelter 2

Fallout 76

Love it or hate it, Fallout Shelter was a pretty big deal for Bethesda.

With all of the focus on Fallout at this year's conference, it seems like a pretty good opportunity to announce a sequel to Fallout Shelter directly on the stage for a dual-release with Fallout: 76.

When Fallout 4 was announced back in 2015, Bethesda made a pretty big deal of the mobile game launching alongside it and it actually managed to get people pretty hyped up.

Bethesda are clearly pretty fond of the game, and it would make sense that they'd put some resources into releasing a sequel alongside the latest game in the series.

Fallout Shelter 2 is actually a pretty perfect fit for Fallout: 76 if all of the rumours about it being an online-centric base-builder are to be believed. If both games supposedly focus on rebuilding the world, Bethesda could even tote some sort of functionality between the two and really play up a connection.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.