E3 2018: 15 Leaked Video Games You're Not Supposed To Know About

2. Borderlands 3

borderlands 3

In development for many years until Gearbox's Randy Pitchford said it was "no secret" that Borderlands 3 was coming, this final part of an elongated trilogy will hopefully release at the perfect time.

Not only did Borderlands pretty much invent and perfect the whole "loot shooter" idea, but because Destiny's fanbase has waned considerably - and Destiny 2's current reputation is in the pits - it's about time Gearbox returned to the sorts of heights associated with the last few games.

Loot, quirky characters, endless configurations of guns and TONS of fun targets to shoot to bits, Borderlands is a series made for gamers - it's been far too long.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.