E3 2019: 10 Biggest Surprises At Nintendo's Showcase

7. Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch

Zelda Breath Of The Wild 2

Why this wasn't a Nintendo exclusive to begin with is a mystery given that Studio Ghibli's art direction and aesthetic fit with Nintendo's family-focused mantra nicely.

Interestingly, Ni No Kuni was a Sony exclusive back in the day. But it's nice to see the game hasn't been completely forgotten about since its sequel rocked last year.

Just as a reminder though: this version seems to be a port of the PS3 edition, and not a remaster like the PS4 will be receiving. So you've been cautioned when making your choices later.

But this will work perfectly on the handheld, especially if you enjoy games like Pokemon, capturing monsters and using them in battle. Only with Ni No Kuni you get a story worthy of a Ghibli movie.


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