E3 2019: 10 Video Games That Might Be Revealed

7. Watch Dogs 3

E3 2019 Batman

This one is pretty much a no-brainer at this point, especially if you've been following Ubisoft's release schedule.

Watch Dogs 2 came out back in 2016, which means that there has been more than enough time without a game in the series. It's also one of Ubisoft's big franchises now, which means that they are almost definitely working on it.

Watch Dogs 3 has also been rumored for a couple of years now, with Ubisoft's own AI pointing to it being in development.

The biggest leaks so far have detailed that the game will take place in London, and will have a customisable protagonist, similar to something like Far Cry 5.

More than anything else, we want to see the return of the DedSec gang and a much bigger focus on stealth, which was a surprisingly great gameplay element in Watch Dogs 2.

If hacking stuff in a open-world London doesn't get you excited then you need to sit down and have a think.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.