E3 2019: 10 Video Games That Might Be Revealed

5. Splinter Cell

E3 2019 Batman

When Ubisoft announced that they'd be revealing a new game last week, it was easy to assume that it'd be Splinter Cell.

That didn't pan out how we thought it would though, as Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was revealed instead with more details promised at E3.

Although this may seem like bad news, this actually makes a big reveal of Splinter Cell at E3 more likely.

If Ubisoft are willing to reveal one of their biggest games this year before E3, that must mean they have a pretty packed presentation coming up.

A new Splinter Cell has been hinted at for the past couple of years, most noticeably when it was listed by Walmart Canada last year. Every other game on that list has come to fruition in one way or another, which means that the next Splinter Cell has to be coming sooner or later.

This along with Watch Dogs 3 would make Ubisoft's conference one to remember.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.