E3 2021: 7 Biggest Announcements From The Ubisoft Conference

6. More Information On Riders Republic

Ubisoft games

Whereas most extreme sports games tackle a single sport, Riders Republic decided to tackle all of them, all at once.

Ubisoft's E3 showed off a lot from the game, including the hub named the Riders Ridge.

The new trailer shows off the extreme side of Riders Ridge whilst also showing off the more relaxing side of the game where you can ignore the extreme sports for a while and just explore to your heart's content in the beautiful environments.

The trailer shows off Tricks Battles, a mode where two teams of six will go against each other to turn parts of a map into a specific colour.

Whilst the focus on fashion and colour changing gameplay may seem similar to something like Splatoon, Riders Republic is actually more similar to another Ubisoft game, Steep.

Both games have a focus on extreme sports, feature huge open worlds which you can travel around using numerous traversal methods, both feature a heavy online multiplayer component, oh, and both games are developed by Ubisoft Annecy.

This is essentially Steep non-snow addition.

Riders Republic is coming out 2 September 2021 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Epic Games, and Stadia.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.