E3 2021: 9 Announcements That Would Break The Internet

7. CDPR Debut "Cyberpunk 2.0"

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

There are VERY few ways CD Projekt RED can recover from Cyberpunk 2077. Despite what many say, it is not a No Man's Sky situation. Hello Games' disaster was high profile, sure, but this was an indie team of 13 people getting carried away with marketing whims given to them by Sony - it wasn't a legendary developer already beloved by all knowing things were unravelling beforehand and doing nothing to stop the tide.

Regardless, maybe Cyberpunk is simply "done" in the eyes of the gaming populace, or maybe there's a way for CDPR to hold their hands up, show off everything they've been working on, and right the ship.

That means an event where people are looking to be excited.

Whilst E3 isn't in person this year, CDPR could time the release of a major Cyberpunk overhaul for E3 weekend, either releasing or featuring the much talked about PS5/Series X upgrade, tons of already-leaked DLC, and a sizeable map and story expansion.

Will it happen? Almost DEFINITELY not, but I honestly don't know what CDPR do with Cyberpunk, other than continue trotting out hotfixes and blog posts until they move on altogether.

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E3 2021
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