EA Sports UFC: 10 Tips To Always Win

1. Monitor Energy

Without doubt the most common pitfall we€™ve monitored is seeing would-be fighters starting a bout off over-energetically and paying for it by depleting their energy. It doesn€™t matter if you€™re playing as the Roy Nelsons and Alistair Overeems of the world or the Demetrius Johnsons and Clay Guidas, with the simulation energy settings turned on it is all too easy to run out of gas. This galling error is made all the prevalent by players€™ over-reliance on throwing high-expenditure strikes, rather than using the techniques discussed in this article. When your energy has depleted not only does your offense become practically powerless but you become far more vulnerable to being rocked and possibly even finished. Keeping a watchful eye on your energy bar is what separates beginners on EA Sports UFC from intermediate players. Often the best way to start a round until you have a feel for your opponent is to just block and sidestep their offence. During this time you can monitor if they€™re the type of inexperienced player who is likely to waste their energy, then you can bide your time and strike when they inevitably exhaust themselves.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.