EA Sports UFC: 15 Most Ridiculous Glitches

1. Gustafsson Vs. Jones (& God)

EA Sports (via Youtube)EA Sports (Via Youtube)Of the embarrassing number of hilarious glitches encountered since the launch of EA Sports UFC barely a week ago, this one is surely the worst. Defying practically every law of physics in the book, Alexander Gustafsson is suddenly launched into the air and left to mercilessly hurtle back down; his back slamming painfully into the side of the cage. This punishment clearly wasn't deemed severe enough by the unknown deity tormenting the luckless 205-lb contender. He is once again thrown skyward and this time plummets back down onto the mat. Spotting an opportunity, the callous Jon Jones rushes in to deliver a spiteful kick to his ruined opponent. We hope and pray that this malevolent power doesn't blight the two fighters' long awaited rematch at UFC 178. EA Sports (via Youtube)EA Sports (Via Youtube)

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.