Elden Ring: 10 Bosses We Can't Wait To Fight

5. Patches The Untethered

elden ring agheel
Namco Bandai

If you're a From Software fan, you know all about Patches!

Popping up in some form or another in most of the games they've made in the last decade, Patches is the name given to a dubious NPC who always seems incredibly friendly, but in reality is a nefarious trickster.

Patches is well known for kicking players into pits and completely messing up a run, as you're usually thrust straight into a poison bog or into a whole collection of really tough enemies. Usually you can take revenge on him too by doubling back around and using various pathways to get back to him.

In a large leak of Elden Ring content, it was revealed that an incarnation of patches will be in the game.

Found inside a cave, for the first time ever if you steal some of Patches' stuff, he'll engage you in a boss fight!

Apparently if you defeat him (he gives up at half health) he'll do the Patches squat animation, and if you leave him alive, he'll become a merchant for the rest of the game.

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Elden Ring
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.