Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Sequel

2. Have The World Genuinely Change Based On The Player's Decisions

Skyrim Dark Brotherhood

This one's really for the role-playing purists out there, but still - Bethesda can do a much better job of making their worlds evolve over the course of a player's journey in-game, whether that be Elder Scrolls or Fallout.

In Skyrim, you could join multiple factions and none of them would really complain if you held membership for one that effectively contradicted their main goals. That means you could actually be the leader of the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood and still join up with the Companions or the College of Winterhold, which doesn't really make sense in the grand scheme of things.

Looking elsewhere, and should the player decide the fate of Skyrim's Civil War by either leading the Stormcloaks or the Imperials to victory, and you'll emerge with the world not having really changed all that much. Ulfric might be dead or there may be Stormcloaks in Solitude, but Skyrim never really changes that much.

The next Elder Scrolls needs to evolve in tandem with the player's journey. Not that Skyrim didn't in places, but the next title needs to better realise that feature next time around.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.