Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind DLC: 8 Features You Need To Know About

7. New Starter Zone And Tutorial

the elder scrolls online

The new expansion is set to appeal to new players and the old offering unrestricted access to the DLC right from the get-go. There are no barriers and no story related points that must be reached before the area opens up. In fact, the expansion goes one step further and offers new players the opportunity to begin in Vvardenfell.

Starting at level 1 in Vvardenfell may be the most opportune idea for new players, as the new tutorial and starter zone are tailored towards that endeavour. Offering a new way to start the game is incredibly useful, not only for brand new players, but for existing players who want to start again with something a little fresh and unique.

While the game will probably not replace the initial Cold harbour sequence -which can admittedly be skipped- adding a new starting area and tutorial makes it seem as if the developers are keen for Morrowind to stand on its own legs.

And perhaps the most exciting thing about the new tutorial is who will be leading you through it and what that may imply for the story…


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