Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind DLC: 8 Features You Need To Know About

5. Battlegrounds

The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

For anyone who has played any MMORPG, you’ll know that PVP is a key portion of what makes any MMORPG sing. And while Elder Scrolls Online gave a fair attempt to invigorate the idea of Player versus Player combat with the Alliance War, it never quite reached the heights intended. This was disappointing for anyone wanting some traditional PVP experiences, but Morrowind plans to change that.

Introducing Battlegrounds, Morrowind will expand the PVP experience from the base game. A 4v4v4 team-based PVP mode, Battlegrounds promises to be far grittier and intense experience than that of the effort consuming Alliance War.

With three arenas planned to appear with the expansion, the game mode could be the jump start that the PVP needs to make the game even better. Not to mention fighting alongside your buddies in a small-scale war type scenario is sure to be nothing but exhilarating.


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