Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind DLC: 8 Features You Need To Know About

1. A Massive Map

Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

The world of Elder Scrolls Online is absolutely massive. Spanning every province and encompassing a variety of different terrains. And whilst pieces of previous DLC have stitched small portions of Tamriel onto the playable canvas, Morrowind promises to add even more.

Vvardenfell will not only be heavily reminiscent of the third Elder Scrolls title, but will also occupy the same ‘Geographic footprint’ as its predecessor. The expansion plans to add the same landmass as the third title with all our favourite locations, only set 700 years before the Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. With a map that big, it’s hard not to get excited.

The docks of Seyda Neen, Balmora and Vivec’s City all plan to make re-appearances with slight time relevant changes. The world of Vvardenfell will be recognisable enough for old players, but still open and welcoming for newer ones.

While it’s not a blow for blow remake of the Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, it’s certainly the closest console players will get to the original game for the time being. And that is nothing if not exciting!


Are you excited for the new DLC and what do you hope to see during the triumphant return to Vvardenfell? Or do you not care at all? Let us know down the comments below!


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