Eurogamer Expo: 10 Best Games

1. Tomb Raider

What can I possibly say about Tomb Raider to do it justice? The fact that a game not released until next year is number 1 in my list should be enough of an indication of just how good it really is. I would even go as far to say it is one of the best games I have ever played. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before in a game too. The environments are incredible, the controls are among the best I have used in a video game and Lara is a fully fledged character who I actually felt for. I was drawn in by her fear and I loved it. The demo began in a jungle area with Lara needing to find shelter and food. She's in a bad way too. After climbing a cliff (which is incredibly realistic) she comes across a few belongings such as a box of matches and a walkie-talkie. Eventually, as a storm begins to erupt, she finds a campsite where she spends the night under shelter. The next morning, she needed to find food. After discovering a Bow and Arrow, Lara heads out to slay a deer. This was the part I was most looking forward to as the combat is supposed to be an integral part of the game and one which takes practice and patience. The Bow is readied with the left trigger and drawn back with the right. Lara is a lot slower when an arrow is drawn and it took me a few tries to actually hit the target. When I did hit the poor creature, one arrow didn't finish it and instead it limped away out of my firing line. I had to follow it back and finish it. Lara cut out a piece of meat and headed back to camp to eat it. You can also use xp to master new skills too. The demo ended with the same trailer from E3 which I have seen at least 30 times. One of the best things about the reboot is the emotions I felt playing. Lara makes you feel for her. I actually felt sorry for a computer character, that's an amazing achievement after just 15 minutes of playing. It is very like Uncharted but that's not a bad thing. This is a more character driven game. Lara Croft is one of the best creations in gaming and it finally feels like she is getting the game she deserves. It completely blew me away and while there were some small issues, it was still my game of show. So agree or disagree? Let me know below!
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Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!