Every Cancelled Super Mario Game - Ranked

8. Mario Takes America

When video game enthusiasts across the world open up books on the best gaming consoles of all time, they're unlikely to ever stumble across the Phillips CD-I.

Priced initially at what would be the equivalent of $1,877, the console's touchpad controller and groundbreaking customer-orientated CD capabilities mainly gave the console an education and learning feel, but it did have a couple of decent ventures into the world of gaming.

One of the most infamous of these ventures was one that never even made it to publishing: Mario Takes America. Announced back in the mid 1990s across a couple UK magazines, the game is honestly more remembered now for the memes its given the world than anything else.

Mario Takes America would have been set around the Italian plumber trekking from New York City to Hollywood to star in his very own movie. The player would have been able to take control of cars, trucks and even helicopters in what sounds less and less like an actual Mario game the more detail is unearthed.

Unsurprisingly, Phillips were disappointed with the progress on the CD-I and Mario Takes America and ended up pulling funding from both pretty quickly.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.