Every Major Video Game Of Q1 2019 - Ranked

1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro shadows die twice

FromSoftware have done it again. Discarding almost everything we thought we knew about how this would play, Sekiro is a game where you must learn to face every opponent one on one, matching every sword swing and screen-shaking attack with the clattering of well-timed steel.

That focus on precise counters and parries has led to this being called the hardest game in FromSoft's catalogue, and that may be the case, but surmounting that challenge and taking part in some blisteringly fast duels is a rush no other game has ever come close to.

Best of all, you can tell the devs didn't hold back implementing every "Yup, that's just COOL" idea they could. Fighting a giant snake god, wielding lightning to fight back at one point - there's so much here to provide a payoff to slogging through those early challenges.

Speaking of which, Sekiro's overall ethos and world layout is routed in the late 80s/early 90s game design. It provides a sense of genuine exploration alongside a rollout of abilities that'll help you overcome each intimidating foe, and once you become one with Wolf's moveset, it's a rush and satisfaction like no other.

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