Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

95. Brian Pillman

Brian Pillman WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 80

Last Year's Rating: 85

Five points shaved off Brian Pillman. Why? Who the hell knows. Maybe it's because his hair looks like ramen? There's literally no point arguing sometimes.

94. Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 80

Last Year's Rating: N/A

The other half of American Alpha scores a definitive mid-card rating, debuting with an 80 to take the tag team to the same score on average.

93. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 80

Last Year's Rating: 81

Some of these down-gradings are just baffling: by most reckonings Corbin has had a better year than he had the year before, and yet he loses a point. There's no logic.

92. Paige

Paige WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 80

Last Year's Rating: 83

This might well be the last time (for a while anyway) you get to play as Paige in a WWE game: in truth she has stagnated in the past year as she's moved further and further away from what she broke through as. So taking off 3 points is probably the right punishment (even if it's no reflection of her ability at all). She's just a victim of context.

91. Big Boss Man

Big Boss Man WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 81

Last Year's Rating: 82

Having returned as DLC last year, the Big Boss Man should surely be up higher than 81. He's got to be better than The Miz, surely? Ziggler? It's a travesty.

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