Every WWE 2K17 Superstar Rating Revealed & Ranked Worst To Best

115. Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 74

Last Year's Rating: 80

Having suffered the curse of the push, Enzo can probably count himself a little aggrieved to not score somewhere more reflective of his mid-to-upper mid-card status. But then it is hard to place him currently on his own, so maybe that explains why he's so low. It's a little unfair that he's below 75 when Dash is up there.

114. Dash Wilder

Dash Wilder WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 75

Last Year's Rating: N/A

The current NXT tag champions probably do deserve slightly higher billing than the jobbers and midcarders in their division on the main roster, but is it really fair that Dash and Dawson are both above Enzo Amore? And Erick Rowan?! No, is the answer you're looking for here.

113. Titus O'Neil

Titus O'Neil WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 75

Last Year's Rating: 87

For a big powerful guy, Titus O'Neil is rated pretty low: perhaps because 2K were wary not to rate him higher than Mr McMahon, given all of the last year's... unpleasantness between the two. Strictly speaking, he's one of the higher rated guys towards the bottom end of the mid-card, so he's not doing too badly no matter how his numbers stack up on last year's.

112. Mr McMahon '01

Mr McMahon WWE 2K17
2K Games

Rating: 76

Last Year's Rating: 84

Strictly speaking, the Mr McMahon included in WWE 2K16 was from 1998, but it's still a nice comparison to have. Clearly 2K think he lost a lot in three years. Isn't 76 a little harsh? This was 2001 McMahon, who stood toe-to-toe with Jericho and Benoit: obviously he had a lot of help, but 76 is still on the low side for that era's boss man.

Maybe the genetic jackhammer period had more effect than we thought.

111. D'Von Dudley

D-Von Dudley WWE 2k17
2K Games

Rating: 76

Last Year's Rating: N/A

He might look a lot like Cee Lo Green, but D'Von's overall of 76 is pretty impressive when you put him alongside Mr McMahon. It's less so when you consider he's on the same rung as Tyson Kidd though, whose rating is presumably based on past opinions.

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