Every Yakuza Game Ranked From Worst To Best
8. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2017)

2017's Yakuza Kiwami 2 manages to succeed as a good remake compared to the underwhelming Yakuza Kiwami. Not only does it improve on a great game like Yakuza 2 but it also feels like a good technological leap compared to the stripped-down Yakuza 6: The Song of Life.
Kiryu's move list, despite still being limited to one style, has been increased while new Heat Actions spice up the combat. Kamurocho and Sotenbori also return with the updated graphics presenting them realistically. There are also minigames to bide the time with the Gravure Photoshoots and the return of the Cabaret Czar.
Unlike Yakuza Kiwami, the title's new additions never feel as intrusive to the PS2 original. Goro Majima again has an increased role with the Majima Saga but because it is a separate campaign, it never clashes with his role in Yakuza 2. The storyline even manages to provide closure on the events of Yakuza 0 by reuniting Majima with Makoto Makimura one last time.
Of course, it helps that the source material has one of the best storylines in the series, and with the updated presentation, Kiwami 2 is a must-try for new and old fans alike.