Fall Guys: How To Win Every Team Game

4. Jinxed

Fall Guys Winner
Devolver Digital

Jinxed is one of the more frantic team games - paradoxically, the closer you get to winning, the harder it gets to avoid Jinxers as more and more of the opposing team take up the chase. If you're un-jinxed, you should try and stay on the move to avoid being caught unawares by the opposing team.

The spinning platforms are a popular spot to hide away, but don't rely on them too much - the more crowded they get the harder it is to avoid any Jinxers who jump up onto them. The swinging pendulums are a good area to lose chasers, as it's possible they'll knock out anyone following you, but be careful not to get hit yourself - anyone who falls over is a sitting duck for Jinxers.

When you do get caught, try to work with other Jinxers on your team to corner opponents. Jumping onto the spinning platforms is a good way to panic opponents and send them scattering towards your fellow Jinxers.

Even if you're not jinxed, you can help to catch people; if you see one of your team chasing another player, slow them down by grabbing them to help your chaser catch them.


Metalhead, bad pun enthusiast and geek extraordinaire. Currently studying an MA in Journalism at Leeds Trinity.