Fallout: 10 Crazy Secrets (That You Totally Have To Check Out)

3. Get Banned From Every Casino

Game: Fallout: New Vegas Chances are, you went to the New Vegas strip as soon as possible, eager to expand your collection of caps in games of cards and roulette. It€™s also very likely that you managed to gamble away your entire bankroll within minutes of being there. After all, the €˜House€™ always wins. It is possible to win a veritable fortune though. Either through amazing luck or (more likely) save scumming, certain players will be able to push the odds in their favour. The casinos are a business though, and they won€™t be happy if you continuously rinse them dry. After winning a certain amount of money at each casino, it€™s possible to be completely banned from gambling at any house on the Strip.
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