Alongside graphical glitches is the spotty A.I., and although it's definitely funny every now and then when a Super Mutant gets snagged on the side of a lamppost and makes for an easy kill, it's more of a burden when a group of enemies you can't even see are sapping your health from across the city without you even realising until it's too late. The enemies in Fallout 3 behaved more like evildoers who were baring down on you for the sake of it, rather than creatures living in the environment like Oblivion or even the likes of Far Cry 3 or 4 managed to showcase. It shouldn't feel like you're one duck trying to make its way through a firing range, instead hopefully they've opened up the possibilities for how the A.I. can react to your presence, fleshed out the conversation options you can have and, if your player class dictates let certain perks be the reason you make it through somewhere in one piece.