Fallout 4: 10 Most Expansive Mods You Must Download

9. Homemaker - Expanded Settlements

fallout 4

For those who love settlement building, there are a multitude of mods that expand the variety of items, unlocking existing assets and overhauling them to be functional and balanced - one of which is Homemaker, the best mod on the market for new items for settlements.

Adding over a thousand new objects to craft, alongside a brand-new Institute style of buildings with their own roofs and walls that snap easily into places, the mod goes above and beyond. Over 1500 new items are now available to craft to decorate and build your homes with. That number is insane. With enough content to make the game even more interesting and enough to swallow any player in hours of settlement crafting.

Combining this mod with a mod undoing the placement limits can lead to some insane settlements... and some frame-rate losses and subsequent crashes.


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