Fallout 4: 15 Brand New Perk Details You Need To Know About

6. Intimidation

SPECIAL: Charisma Lvl 1: "Time to show everyone who's boss! With your gun, aim at any human opponent below your level and gain a chance to pacify them." Lvl 2: "When you successfully pacify someone, you can incite them to attack" Lvl 3: "When you successfully pacify someone, you can give them specific commands" One of the coolest new additions, this is the only perk in the trailer that gets opened up into its three forms. That third level though, giving a random stranger "specific commands" sounds like you can essentially grab any NPC and take them along with you. How long they'll last and whether all the other companion perks will stack is up for debate, but I'd imagine this will let you go from solo play to teaming up within seconds.
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