Fallout 4: 10 Terrifying Stories From The Wasteland

4. The Dunwich Building

Bethesda SoftworksBethesda SoftworksWell known among players as possibly the scariest location in Fallout 3, the Dunwich Building is a terrifying place. Littered with audio logs recorded by the old world inhabitants, they reveal what it was like for the ordinary people at work, when the bombs began to fall. The audio tapes contain the sounds of the bomb actually exploding near the building, as well as the panic of the workers of Dunwich panicking. Finally, they depict the sounds of people being painfully transformed into the deadly feral ghouls that now patrol the area. As well as the haunting audio logs, the Dunwich Building hides some creepy secrets in its lower levels. One of the ghouls, named Jaime, appears to be summoning feral ghouls from a misty crack in a wall. Additionally, there are several references to Cthulu-esque mythology, in the form of frequent mentions of an 'Alhazred', and a bizarre altar of 'Ug-Qualtoth' located in the deepest under chambers of the building. The full mysteries behind the altar have never been uncovered, and whether it was involved in the especially aggressive transformations in the building is unknown.
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