Fallout 4: 10 Things It Must Learn From Mass Effect

It's not just Elder Scrolls that can teach Fallout 4 a thing or ten...

Fallout: New Vegas is now four years old, and speculation is always rife that an announcement on Fallout 4 may be just around the corner, so it's definitely worth taking a look at some of the existing games that could have a really positive influence on Bethesda's next title. You may have already seen '10 lessons Fallout 4 must learn from Skyrim' earlier this year, but it's time to start looking outside of Bethesda's own wheelhouse at some of the other games they'll be wanting to take inspiration from. While the final gambits of its closing instalment may have soured many fans on Bioware's 'Mass Effect' series, there's surely no denying that it has still been one of the biggest hitters in the Action/RPG stakes in the last decade. From it's more traditional RPG aspect in the first title, through to the fast-paced cover shooting action of the second two instalments, there are a ton of different elements that Bethesda would be wise to draw inspiration from for their next Fallout title. So, without further delay, it's time to consider the ways in which the space-hopping adventures of Commander Shepard and his companions could shape the struggle for survival of Bethesda's next wasteland wanderer. Be warned; spoilers for the past, present and future of both series' will follow...

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.