Fallout 4: 10 Unfortunate Consequences Of Living In The Fallout Universe

8. What's the Opposite of a Pickpocket?

Minefield There are many places of interest in post-apocalyptic America, but few are as explosively exciting as Minefield, the little town that challenges you to become an adept at disarming landmines. If you can't do this, your legs will be removed from your body quicker than a bandit's head down in the tunnels of the railway after you've shot him with your tesla cannon. If you do master mine disarming, you've now learned a valuable new skill. Many reports coming out of the Wasteland are current stating that many wanderers are using this new-found ability in new and exciting ways, taking the old art of pickpocketing and refining it into a brand new experience for the folks of the Wasteland. While a traditional pickpocket will quickly steal your wallet, mobile phone or other associated items, the Fallout pickpocket does not perform in the same way. Instead, you must approach your target silently, root through their possessions and pick out which one you'd like, pop one of your new landmines in their inventory and then wander off into the distance to watch the result. After a few seconds, your patience will be rewarded as the person whose items you've just stolen will be launched ten feet into the air with their extremities landing in a nearby tree. Fallout denizens must therefore be regularly vigilant for landmines in your back pockets. Just make sure you don't sit down on it.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.