Fallout 4: 11 Awesome Xbox One Mods You Need To Try

1. CatMeat Mod

fallout 4 mods xbox one
Bethesda/Dahakka DA

Aaaand, as a special bonus mod that I'm adding simply on the grounds that it made me laugh, is Catmeat. So instead of a dog, you have a cat. Pretty self-explanatory really.

It's admittedly a pretty janky mod, as Catmeat continues to be called 'Dog' when you highlight it, and it barks like Dogmeat too. Best of all, the animations sometimes seize up, and Catmeat slides along the ground as if it had those little roller-shoe wheels under its paws.

Don't count on it in a fight though, as its attributes have been set to 'cowardly' and 'unaggressive'. Shame, because the sight of an unanimated cat attacking raiders would've been the icing on this most curious of cakes.


You found any other great Fallout 4 mods for Xbox One? Let us know with a comment!

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