Fallout 4: 21 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

1. How To Hack & Avoid The Reset Time If You Fail

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx_4zoUL0aY Hacking in Fallout 4 is a real test of your patience and skill; mostly because thanks to a mix of bad tutorials and a 'three strikes you're out' trial n' error system, you'll most likely give up after a few attempts. What you actually need to do when booted into the mess of code in front of you, is work through each row one by one, until you see the highlighted special characters group more than one together (like '/!|\' for example). Clicking on one of these will give you more 'tries' back, which you can use to guess the worded password by clicking on it and noting the amount of similar characters (if any). The above video helped me greatly, but know that after you've tried a word, if it pops up saying the 'Likeness' is 2 for example, it means two letters are both correct, and in the right place for the actual password. Between freeing up tries with dead code and figuring out the word itself through process of elimination, you'll be able to crack the hacking mini-game and rank up. Lastly, it's worth pointing out that the different terminals have different reset times before you can try again, if you mess up. To remedy this, just quit the minigame before your last attempt, and you can jump back in immediately, rather than wait a few minutes. It's an 'exploit' that was in Fallout 3 and New Vegas too, and one that Bethesda must be aware of, as they've left it completely intact. Happy hacking! Let us know your own crucial tips and tricks in the comments, and please sign up for an account if you'd like to write for the Gaming section!
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