Fallout 4: 7 Post-Apocalyptic Alternatives To Bethesda’s Atomic Sequel

1. The Last Of Us

Take the heart-racing actions sequences of the Uncharted series and the intense stealth of Metal Gear Solid, and combine them with a biological pandemic that gives rise to a world of fugally-infected zombies. Add the greatest opening sequence in gaming history, and you have The Last of Us. Naughty Dog€™s survival-horror classic is a genre-defining great centred on the bond that develops between a hardened doomsday survivor named Joel and brave teenage girl Ellie. This PS3 masterpiece has it all - heart-in-your-mouth stealth segments, balls-to-the-wall zombie slaying, and genuine emotional depth. What are your favourite post-apocalyptic games? Let us know in the comments section below!
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