Fallout 4: 8 Huge Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

5. We Still Can't Trust Bethesda

Following Fallout 3 and Skyrim (the latter having some positively nightmarish graphical hitches when the web-winged dragons started contorting or getting up in your face), it's impossible to trust Bethesda can deliver a product that's as polished as say, Batman: Arkham Knight (save for the PC version) or GTA V, being they've never come close in the past Things bode well as they've assumedly held off announcing Fallout 4 was coming until everything was completely polished to a mirror sheen, but time will tell if any aspect of the game's world or production has been scaled back to allow for a higher degree of fidelity across the board. Many fans of the studio's games tend to reconcile themselves to accepting the bugs for the sake of a world and experience no one else can deliver, but in a climate where quite literally every single majorly-release game in the last year has needed multiple patches or was straight-up broken on launch - it really doesn't give you hope Fallout 4 (of all things) can break the trend.
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