Fallout 76: 10 Things Bethesda MUST Learn From Fallout 4

2. Base Building Should Actually Be Worthwhile

fallout 4 shipments

Though it wasn't as bad as its harshest critics would have you believe, the base building system in Fallout 4 was admittedly a little pointless. Yeah, it was cool to build little structures in your settlement and make a home for your companions, but these settlement features could be completely ignored and you wouldn't lose anything from the main experience.

If Bethesda aren't just going to get rid of the system altogether with Fallout 76 (which seems to be the case if the leaks are to be believed), then they need to find a way to properly integrate it into the game.

Thankfully, the spinoff is said to be entirely based around a mission to rebuild society, as well as surviving in a harsh, post-apocalyptic landscape, which should hopefully make managing settlements vital in achieving that goal.

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Fallout 76
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3